Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Since 1942, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman's relationship with Christ. LWML joyfully proclaims Christ, supports missions, and equips women to honor God by serving others.
Our congregation has two women's "Circles" (Esther Circle and Sarah Circle) that meet monthly for sharing, caring, and Bible Study. The Circles take turns providing goodies for coffee hour on Sunday mornings and also assist with funeral receptions for Zion family members. Circle activities are posted in the calendar, the monthly newsletter (mailed to church members), and the weekly bulletin (distributed at Sunday services).
Zion Quilters meet every Tuesday from 9 am until noon, in the Fireside Room near the church office. Their purpose is to make quilts for people who need warmth and need to know that Jesus cares for them. No sewing experience is needed. Each quilter learns as they work. Our experienced quilters are happy to teach cutting, sewing, and tying. This group makes approximately 250 quilts a year. The quilts are distributed in our community and throughout the world.
Lutheran World Relief is an organization that assists people based on need, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. They provide aid in emergencies and help families restore their lives. The goal is to help people become self-sufficient and assist with problem-solving that will last long after our projects end.
Men's Groups
Men are invited to meet for breakfast, on the first Saturday of each month (except during the summer; check the calendar for specific dates). They meet at 8 am. A new location is being arranged - details will be added when available.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! No experience is required.
Adult Choir, directed by Betsy Brown, is open to adults and high school students. This choir enhances our 9 am worship service during the winter months. This choir is usually accompanied by piano. On occasion, you will hear a flute or trumpet. They typically practice one evening a week.
Folk Choir, directed by Tom Demarest, adds an occasional folk/contemporary touch to our worship. The Folk Choir is most often accompanied by guitar and banjo. On occasion, there will be violin, bass, or mandolin as well. They practice on Sunday morning at 11:00.